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Kenny Loves to Read

I'm an avid reader and I also love to write. Hopefully my reviews will help people find their next favourite book.

Currently reading

The Last Wish
Andrzej Sapkowski
Dark Nebula
W.J. May
The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance
W.J. May
How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life
Caroline Webb
Don Quixote
John Ormsby, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Tethers (The Tethers Trilogy #1)

Tethers (The Tethers Trilogy #1) - Jack Croxall An entertaining story with a pair of sword wielding, pistol shooting thirteen year olds. For some weird reason, I couldn't stop worrying about what Karl and Esther's families must have gone through when they discovered they were gone. Or how everyone was okay with the fact that Karl kept finding and "keeping" things that didn't belong to him. other than that, a really good story with interesting characters. If you're looking for a YA book filled with action packed scenes, look no further.